Businesses, Recreation and Attractions Dunklin County (MO)
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Return to Businesses, Recreation and Attractions Dunklin County (MO) database page
- Bazzell and Wilder: 461.425 Repeater? (Kennett) Farm Equip KSD989
- Droke Farms (Hornersville): 452.3375 40W Repeater (NFM) WSEN522 Issued 9/24
- Gluek Farms: 153.125 Base/Mobile (Cardwell/AR) KNAY318
- Jamerson Farms: 460.75 Repeater (DMR at Hornersville) WQFI275
- Moore Farms 464.1 Repeater (NFM at Honersville) WNPD637
- Harris Farms: 461.225 Repeater (Senath) WPVC312
- S&W Jackson Farms: 151.535 Base/Mobile (Cardwell) WNFS220
- Thompson Farms: 464.25 Repeater (NFM/DMR/NXDN at Senath) [1]
Communication Companies
- 460.82500 WPKM753 RM MO-ARK Communications (Hornersville)
- 461.02500 WNKS268 RM MO-ARK Communications (Kennett)
- 461.72500 WNSB275 RM MO-ARK Communications (Senath)
- 461.95000 WNKS269 RM MO-ARK Communications (Kennett)
- 462.15000 WPEE212 RM MO-ARK Communications (Senath)
- 854.81250 WNZZ753 RM MO-ARK Communications [GB] (Malden)
- 151.865 WPBI354 BM Baker Implement Company (Kennett, other locations)
- 151.865 WPYP681 BM 146.2 PL Baker Implement Company (Malden)
- 157.680 KNHP200 BM Dunklin County Transit Services
- 151.865 WPFQ687 M Kennet Health Care Center
Attractions and Recreation
- 20-4W portables on 152.345, 159.66, 159.8325, 159.8475, 159.93 (NFM) WQRA388